
This element crops video frames, meaning it can remove parts of the picture on the left, right, top or bottom of the picture and output a smaller picture than the input picture, with the unwanted parts at the border removed.

The videocrop element is similar to the videobox element, but its main goal is to support a multitude of formats as efficiently as possible. Unlike videbox, it cannot add borders to the picture and unlike videbox it will always output images in exactly the same format as the input image.

If there is nothing to crop, the element will operate in pass-through mode.

Note that no special efforts are made to handle chroma-subsampled formats in the case of odd-valued cropping and compensate for sub-unit chroma plane shifts for such formats in the case where the left or top property is set to an odd number. This doesn't matter for most use cases, but it might matter for yours.

Example launch line

 gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc ! videocrop top=42 left=1 right=4 bottom=0 ! ximagesink



Factory details

Authors: – Tim-Philipp Müller


Rank – none

Plugin – videocrop

Package – GStreamer Good Plug-ins

Pad Templates


         format: { RGB, BGR, RGB16, RGB15, RGBx, xRGB, BGRx, xBGR, RGBA, ARGB, BGRA, ABGR, GRAY8, GRAY16_LE, GRAY16_BE, AYUV, YVYU, YUY2, UYVY, v210, I420, A420, YV12, Y444, Y42B, Y41B, I420_10BE, A420_10BE, Y444_10BE, A444_10BE, I422_10BE, A422_10BE, I420_10LE, A420_10LE, Y444_10LE, A444_10LE, I422_10LE, A422_10LE, I420_12BE, Y444_12BE, I422_12BE, I420_12LE, Y444_12LE, I422_12LE, GBR, GBR_10BE, GBR_10LE, GBR_12BE, GBR_12LE, GBRA, GBRA_10BE, GBRA_10LE, GBRA_12BE, GBRA_12LE, NV12, NV21 }
          width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
         height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
      framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]

          width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
         height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
      framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]



Object typeGstPad


         format: { RGB, BGR, RGB16, RGB15, RGBx, xRGB, BGRx, xBGR, RGBA, ARGB, BGRA, ABGR, GRAY8, GRAY16_LE, GRAY16_BE, AYUV, YVYU, YUY2, UYVY, v210, I420, A420, YV12, Y444, Y42B, Y41B, I420_10BE, A420_10BE, Y444_10BE, A444_10BE, I422_10BE, A422_10BE, I420_10LE, A420_10LE, Y444_10LE, A444_10LE, I422_10LE, A422_10LE, I420_12BE, Y444_12BE, I422_12BE, I420_12LE, Y444_12LE, I422_12LE, GBR, GBR_10BE, GBR_10LE, GBR_12BE, GBR_12LE, GBRA, GBRA_10BE, GBRA_10LE, GBRA_12BE, GBRA_12LE, NV12, NV21 }
          width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
         height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
      framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]

          width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
         height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
      framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]



Object typeGstPad



“bottom” gint

Pixels to crop at bottom (-1 to auto-crop)

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : 0


“left” gint

Pixels to crop at left (-1 to auto-crop)

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : 0


“right” gint

Pixels to crop at right (-1 to auto-crop)

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : 0


“top” gint

Pixels to crop at top (-1 to auto-crop)

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : 0

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