
This library contains some helper functions for multichannel audio.



gst_audio_channel_get_fallback_mask (gint channels)

Get the fallback channel-mask for the given number of channels.

This function returns a reasonable fallback channel-mask and should be called as a last resort when the specific channel map is unknown.



the number of channels


a fallback channel-mask for channels or 0 when there is no mask and mono.

Since : 1.8


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_channel_get_fallback_mask(channels: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_get_fallback_mask'

Get the fallback channel-mask for the given number of channels.

This function returns a reasonable fallback channel-mask and should be called as a last resort when the specific channel map is unknown.


channels (Number)

the number of channels

Returns (Number)

a fallback channel-mask for channels or 0 when there is no mask and mono.

Since : 1.8


def GstAudio.audio_channel_get_fallback_mask (channels):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_get_fallback_mask'

Get the fallback channel-mask for the given number of channels.

This function returns a reasonable fallback channel-mask and should be called as a last resort when the specific channel map is unknown.


channels (int)

the number of channels

Returns (int)

a fallback channel-mask for channels or 0 when there is no mask and mono.

Since : 1.8


gst_audio_channel_positions_from_mask (gint channels,
                                       guint64 channel_mask,
                                       GstAudioChannelPosition * position)

Convert the channels present in channel_mask to a position array (which should have at least channels entries ensured by caller). If channel_mask is set to 0, it is considered as 'not present' for purpose of conversion. A partially valid channel_mask with less bits set than the number of channels is considered valid.



The number of channels


The input channel_mask

position ( [arraylength=channels])

The GstAudioChannelPositions


TRUE if channel and channel mask are valid and could be converted


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_channel_positions_from_mask(channels: Number, channel_mask: Number, position: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ]): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_from_mask'

Convert the channels present in channel_mask to a position array (which should have at least channels entries ensured by caller). If channel_mask is set to 0, it is considered as 'not present' for purpose of conversion. A partially valid channel_mask with less bits set than the number of channels is considered valid.


channels (Number)

The number of channels

channel_mask (Number)

The input channel_mask

Returns (Number)

true if channel and channel mask are valid and could be converted


def GstAudio.audio_channel_positions_from_mask (channels, channel_mask, position):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_from_mask'

Convert the channels present in channel_mask to a position array (which should have at least channels entries ensured by caller). If channel_mask is set to 0, it is considered as 'not present' for purpose of conversion. A partially valid channel_mask with less bits set than the number of channels is considered valid.


channels (int)

The number of channels

channel_mask (int)

The input channel_mask

Returns (bool)

True if channel and channel mask are valid and could be converted


gst_audio_channel_positions_to_mask (const GstAudioChannelPosition * position,
                                     gint channels,
                                     gboolean force_order,
                                     guint64 * channel_mask)

Convert the position array of channels channels to a bitmask.

If force_order is TRUE it additionally checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.


position ( [arraylength=channels])

The GstAudioChannelPosition


The number of channels.


Only consider the GStreamer channel order.

channel_mask ( [out])

the output channel mask


TRUE if the channel positions are valid and could be converted.


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_channel_positions_to_mask(position: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], channels: Number, force_order: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_to_mask'

Convert the position array of channels channels to a bitmask.

If force_order is true it additionally checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.


channels (Number)

The number of channels.

force_order (Number)

Only consider the GStreamer channel order.

Returns a tuple made of:

(Number )

true if the channel positions are valid and could be converted.

channel_mask (Number )

true if the channel positions are valid and could be converted.


def GstAudio.audio_channel_positions_to_mask (position, channels, force_order):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_to_mask'

Convert the position array of channels channels to a bitmask.

If force_order is True it additionally checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.


channels (int)

The number of channels.

force_order (bool)

Only consider the GStreamer channel order.

Returns a tuple made of:

(bool )

True if the channel positions are valid and could be converted.

channel_mask (int )

True if the channel positions are valid and could be converted.


gchar *
gst_audio_channel_positions_to_string (const GstAudioChannelPosition * position,
                                       gint channels)

Converts position to a human-readable string representation for debugging purposes.


position ( [arraylength=channels])

The GstAudioChannelPosition to convert.


The number of channels.

Returns ( [transfer: full])

a newly allocated string representing position

Since : 1.10


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_channel_positions_to_string(position: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], channels: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_to_string'

Converts position to a human-readable string representation for debugging purposes.


channels (Number)

The number of channels.

Returns (String)

a newly allocated string representing position

Since : 1.10


def GstAudio.audio_channel_positions_to_string (position, channels):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_to_string'

Converts position to a human-readable string representation for debugging purposes.


channels (int)

The number of channels.

Returns (str)

a newly allocated string representing position

Since : 1.10


gst_audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order (GstAudioChannelPosition * position,
                                            gint channels)

Reorders the channel positions in position from any order to the GStreamer channel order.


position ( [arraylength=channels])

The channel positions to reorder to.


The number of channels.


TRUE if the channel positions are valid and reordering was successful.


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order(position: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], channels: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order'

Reorders the channel positions in position from any order to the GStreamer channel order.


position ([ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ])

The channel positions to reorder to.

channels (Number)

The number of channels.

Returns (Number)

true if the channel positions are valid and reordering was successful.


def GstAudio.audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order (position, channels):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order'

Reorders the channel positions in position from any order to the GStreamer channel order.


position ([ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ])

The channel positions to reorder to.

channels (int)

The number of channels.

Returns (bool)

True if the channel positions are valid and reordering was successful.


gst_audio_check_valid_channel_positions (const GstAudioChannelPosition * position,
                                         gint channels,
                                         gboolean force_order)

Checks if position contains valid channel positions for channels channels. If force_order is TRUE it additionally checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.


position ( [arraylength=channels])

The GstAudioChannelPosition to check.


The number of channels.


Only consider the GStreamer channel order.


TRUE if the channel positions are valid.


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_check_valid_channel_positions(position: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], channels: Number, force_order: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_check_valid_channel_positions'

Checks if position contains valid channel positions for channels channels. If force_order is true it additionally checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.


channels (Number)

The number of channels.

force_order (Number)

Only consider the GStreamer channel order.

Returns (Number)

true if the channel positions are valid.


def GstAudio.audio_check_valid_channel_positions (position, channels, force_order):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_check_valid_channel_positions'

Checks if position contains valid channel positions for channels channels. If force_order is True it additionally checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.


channels (int)

The number of channels.

force_order (bool)

Only consider the GStreamer channel order.

Returns (bool)

True if the channel positions are valid.


gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map (gint channels,
                                   const GstAudioChannelPosition * from,
                                   const GstAudioChannelPosition * to,
                                   gint * reorder_map)

Returns a reorder map for from to to that can be used in custom channel reordering code, e.g. to convert from or to the GStreamer channel order. from and to must contain the same number of positions and the same positions, only in a different order.

The resulting reorder_map can be used for reordering by assigning channel i of the input to channel reorder_map[i] of the output.



The number of channels.

from ( [arraylength=channels])

The channel positions to reorder from.

to ( [arraylength=channels])

The channel positions to reorder to.

reorder_map ( [arraylength=channels])

Pointer to the reorder map.


TRUE if the channel positions are valid and reordering is possible.


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_get_channel_reorder_map(channels: Number, from: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], to: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], reorder_map: [ Number ]): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map'

Returns a reorder map for from to to that can be used in custom channel reordering code, e.g. to convert from or to the GStreamer channel order. from and to must contain the same number of positions and the same positions, only in a different order.

The resulting reorder_map can be used for reordering by assigning channel i of the input to channel reorder_map[i] of the output.


channels (Number)

The number of channels.

The channel positions to reorder from.

The channel positions to reorder to.

reorder_map ([ Number ])

Pointer to the reorder map.

Returns (Number)

true if the channel positions are valid and reordering is possible.


def GstAudio.audio_get_channel_reorder_map (channels, from, to, reorder_map):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map'

Returns a reorder map for from to to that can be used in custom channel reordering code, e.g. to convert from or to the GStreamer channel order. from and to must contain the same number of positions and the same positions, only in a different order.

The resulting reorder_map can be used for reordering by assigning channel i of the input to channel reorder_map[i] of the output.


channels (int)

The number of channels.

The channel positions to reorder from.

The channel positions to reorder to.

reorder_map ([ int ])

Pointer to the reorder map.

Returns (bool)

True if the channel positions are valid and reordering is possible.


gst_audio_reorder_channels (gpointer data,
                            gsize size,
                            GstAudioFormat format,
                            gint channels,
                            const GstAudioChannelPosition * from,
                            const GstAudioChannelPosition * to)

Reorders data from the channel positions from to the channel positions to. from and to must contain the same number of positions and the same positions, only in a different order.

This function internally calls gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map and gst_audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map. It is more efficient to call gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map once to retrieve the reorder map and then call gst_audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map with the same reorder map until the channel positions change.

Note: this function assumes the audio data is in interleaved layout


data ( [arraylength=size][element-typeguint8])

The pointer to the memory.


The size of the memory.


The GstAudioFormat of the buffer.


The number of channels.

from ( [arraylength=channels])

The channel positions in the buffer.

to ( [arraylength=channels])

The channel positions to convert to.


TRUE if the reordering was possible.


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_reorder_channels(data: [ Number ], size: Number, format: GstAudio.AudioFormat, channels: Number, from: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ], to: [ GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition ]): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_reorder_channels'

Reorders data from the channel positions from to the channel positions to. from and to must contain the same number of positions and the same positions, only in a different order.

This function internally calls GstAudio.prototype.audio_get_channel_reorder_map and GstAudio.prototype.audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map. It is more efficient to call GstAudio.prototype.audio_get_channel_reorder_map once to retrieve the reorder map and then call GstAudio.prototype.audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map with the same reorder map until the channel positions change.

Note: this function assumes the audio data is in interleaved layout


data ([ Number ])

The pointer to the memory.

size (Number)

The size of the memory.

format (GstAudio.AudioFormat)

The GstAudio.AudioFormat of the buffer.

channels (Number)

The number of channels.

The channel positions in the buffer.

The channel positions to convert to.

Returns (Number)

true if the reordering was possible.


def GstAudio.audio_reorder_channels (data, size, format, channels, from, to):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_reorder_channels'

Reorders data from the channel positions from to the channel positions to. from and to must contain the same number of positions and the same positions, only in a different order.

This function internally calls GstAudio.audio_get_channel_reorder_map and GstAudio.audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map. It is more efficient to call GstAudio.audio_get_channel_reorder_map once to retrieve the reorder map and then call GstAudio.audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map with the same reorder map until the channel positions change.

Note: this function assumes the audio data is in interleaved layout


data ([ int ])

The pointer to the memory.

size (int)

The size of the memory.

format (GstAudio.AudioFormat)

The GstAudio.AudioFormat of the buffer.

channels (int)

The number of channels.

The channel positions in the buffer.

The channel positions to convert to.

Returns (bool)

True if the reordering was possible.


gst_audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map (gpointer data,
                                             gsize size,
                                             gint bps,
                                             gint channels,
                                             const gint * reorder_map)

Reorders data with the given reorder_map.

The reorder map can be retrieved for example with gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map.

Note: this function assumes the audio data is in interleaved layout


data ( [arraylength=size][element-typeguint8])

The pointer to the memory.


The size of the memory.


The number of bytes per sample.


The number of channels.

reorder_map ( [arraylength=channels])

The channel reorder map.

Since : 1.26


function GstAudio.prototype.audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map(data: [ Number ], size: Number, bps: Number, channels: Number, reorder_map: [ Number ]): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map'

Reorders data with the given reorder_map.

The reorder map can be retrieved for example with GstAudio.prototype.audio_get_channel_reorder_map.

Note: this function assumes the audio data is in interleaved layout


data ([ Number ])

The pointer to the memory.

size (Number)

The size of the memory.

bps (Number)

The number of bytes per sample.

channels (Number)

The number of channels.

reorder_map ([ Number ])

The channel reorder map.

Since : 1.26


def GstAudio.audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map (data, size, bps, channels, reorder_map):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_audio_reorder_channels_with_reorder_map'

Reorders data with the given reorder_map.

The reorder map can be retrieved for example with GstAudio.audio_get_channel_reorder_map.

Note: this function assumes the audio data is in interleaved layout


data ([ int ])

The pointer to the memory.

size (int)

The size of the memory.

bps (int)

The number of bytes per sample.

channels (int)

The number of channels.

reorder_map ([ int ])

The channel reorder map.

Since : 1.26

Function Macros





Audio channel positions.

These are the channels defined in SMPTE 2036-2-2008 Table 1 for 22.2 audio systems with the Surround and Wide channels from DTS Coherent Acoustics (v.1.3.1) and 10.2 and 7.1 layouts. In the caps the actual channel layout is expressed with a channel count and a channel mask, which describes the existing channels. The positions in the bit mask correspond to the enum values. For negotiation it is allowed to have more bits set in the channel mask than the number of channels to specify the allowed channel positions but this is not allowed in negotiated caps. It is not allowed in any situation other than the one mentioned below to have less bits set in the channel mask than the number of channels.

GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_MONO can only be used with a single mono channel that has no direction information and would be mixed into all directional channels. This is expressed in caps by having a single channel and no channel mask.

GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_NONE can only be used if all channels have this position. This is expressed in caps by having a channel mask with no bits set.

As another special case it is allowed to have two channels without a channel mask. This implicitly means that this is a stereo stream with a front left and front right channel.


used for position-less channels, e.g. from a sound card that records 1024 channels; mutually exclusive with any other channel position


Mono without direction; can only be used with 1 channel


invalid position


Front left


Front right


Front center


Low-frequency effects 1 (subwoofer)


Rear left


Rear right


Front left of center


Front right of center


Rear center


Low-frequency effects 2 (subwoofer)


Side left


Side right


Top front left


Top front right


Top front center


Top center


Top rear left


Top rear right


Top side right


Top rear right


Top rear center


Bottom front center


Bottom front left


Bottom front right


Wide left (between front left and side left)


Wide right (between front right and side right)


Surround left (between rear left and side left)


Surround right (between rear right and side right)


Top surround left (between rear left and side left).

(Since: 1.26)

Top surround right (between rear right and side right).

(Since: 1.26)


Audio channel positions.

These are the channels defined in SMPTE 2036-2-2008 Table 1 for 22.2 audio systems with the Surround and Wide channels from DTS Coherent Acoustics (v.1.3.1) and 10.2 and 7.1 layouts. In the caps the actual channel layout is expressed with a channel count and a channel mask, which describes the existing channels. The positions in the bit mask correspond to the enum values. For negotiation it is allowed to have more bits set in the channel mask than the number of channels to specify the allowed channel positions but this is not allowed in negotiated caps. It is not allowed in any situation other than the one mentioned below to have less bits set in the channel mask than the number of channels.

GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_MONO can only be used with a single mono channel that has no direction information and would be mixed into all directional channels. This is expressed in caps by having a single channel and no channel mask.

GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_NONE can only be used if all channels have this position. This is expressed in caps by having a channel mask with no bits set.

As another special case it is allowed to have two channels without a channel mask. This implicitly means that this is a stereo stream with a front left and front right channel.

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.NONE (-3) –

used for position-less channels, e.g. from a sound card that records 1024 channels; mutually exclusive with any other channel position

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.MONO (-2) –

Mono without direction; can only be used with 1 channel

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.INVALID (-1) –

invalid position

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_LEFT (0) –

Front left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_RIGHT (1) –

Front right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_CENTER (2) –

Front center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.LFE1 (3) –

Low-frequency effects 1 (subwoofer)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.REAR_LEFT (4) –

Rear left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.REAR_RIGHT (5) –

Rear right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER (6) –

Front left of center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER (7) –

Front right of center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.REAR_CENTER (8) –

Rear center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.LFE2 (9) –

Low-frequency effects 2 (subwoofer)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SIDE_LEFT (10) –

Side left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SIDE_RIGHT (11) –

Side right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_FRONT_LEFT (12) –

Top front left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_FRONT_RIGHT (13) –

Top front right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_FRONT_CENTER (14) –

Top front center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_CENTER (15) –

Top center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_REAR_LEFT (16) –

Top rear left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_REAR_RIGHT (17) –

Top rear right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SIDE_LEFT (18) –

Top side right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SIDE_RIGHT (19) –

Top rear right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_REAR_CENTER (20) –

Top rear center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER (21) –

Bottom front center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT (22) –

Bottom front left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT (23) –

Bottom front right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.WIDE_LEFT (24) –

Wide left (between front left and side left)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.WIDE_RIGHT (25) –

Wide right (between front right and side right)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SURROUND_LEFT (26) –

Surround left (between rear left and side left)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SURROUND_RIGHT (27) –

Surround right (between rear right and side right)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SURROUND_LEFT (28) –

Top surround left (between rear left and side left).

(Since: 1.26)
GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SURROUND_RIGHT (29) –

Top surround right (between rear right and side right).

(Since: 1.26)


Audio channel positions.

These are the channels defined in SMPTE 2036-2-2008 Table 1 for 22.2 audio systems with the Surround and Wide channels from DTS Coherent Acoustics (v.1.3.1) and 10.2 and 7.1 layouts. In the caps the actual channel layout is expressed with a channel count and a channel mask, which describes the existing channels. The positions in the bit mask correspond to the enum values. For negotiation it is allowed to have more bits set in the channel mask than the number of channels to specify the allowed channel positions but this is not allowed in negotiated caps. It is not allowed in any situation other than the one mentioned below to have less bits set in the channel mask than the number of channels.

GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_MONO can only be used with a single mono channel that has no direction information and would be mixed into all directional channels. This is expressed in caps by having a single channel and no channel mask.

GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_NONE can only be used if all channels have this position. This is expressed in caps by having a channel mask with no bits set.

As another special case it is allowed to have two channels without a channel mask. This implicitly means that this is a stereo stream with a front left and front right channel.

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.NONE (-3) –

used for position-less channels, e.g. from a sound card that records 1024 channels; mutually exclusive with any other channel position

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.MONO (-2) –

Mono without direction; can only be used with 1 channel

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.INVALID (-1) –

invalid position

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_LEFT (0) –

Front left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_RIGHT (1) –

Front right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_CENTER (2) –

Front center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.LFE1 (3) –

Low-frequency effects 1 (subwoofer)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.REAR_LEFT (4) –

Rear left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.REAR_RIGHT (5) –

Rear right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER (6) –

Front left of center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER (7) –

Front right of center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.REAR_CENTER (8) –

Rear center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.LFE2 (9) –

Low-frequency effects 2 (subwoofer)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SIDE_LEFT (10) –

Side left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SIDE_RIGHT (11) –

Side right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_FRONT_LEFT (12) –

Top front left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_FRONT_RIGHT (13) –

Top front right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_FRONT_CENTER (14) –

Top front center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_CENTER (15) –

Top center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_REAR_LEFT (16) –

Top rear left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_REAR_RIGHT (17) –

Top rear right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SIDE_LEFT (18) –

Top side right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SIDE_RIGHT (19) –

Top rear right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_REAR_CENTER (20) –

Top rear center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER (21) –

Bottom front center

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT (22) –

Bottom front left

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT (23) –

Bottom front right

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.WIDE_LEFT (24) –

Wide left (between front left and side left)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.WIDE_RIGHT (25) –

Wide right (between front right and side right)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SURROUND_LEFT (26) –

Surround left (between rear left and side left)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.SURROUND_RIGHT (27) –

Surround right (between rear right and side right)

GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SURROUND_LEFT (28) –

Top surround left (between rear left and side left).

(Since: 1.26)
GstAudio.AudioChannelPosition.TOP_SURROUND_RIGHT (29) –

Top surround right (between rear right and side right).

(Since: 1.26)

The results of the search are